Monday, October 19, 2009

Music City Half Marathon Race Report

So today I feel SSLLLOOOWWW. I am definitely sore today! But nothing that a Polly Yoga from over at can't clear up! I have copied my race report from the runner's world online Christian Women's forum:

I ran my race in 2:00:05!!! I am SO excited it was WONDERFUL!!! I was very nervous at first! There were I few things I saw from the beginning:1-I could have used hubby's MP3 player and had tunes 2-EVERYONE wears BLACK-either black pants, shorts, tights-or ALL BLACK, so ME in my BRIGHT BLUE w/PINK-running skirt, PINK top and Pearl Earrings (of course it was the earrings Elkton!!) stood out like a sore thumb!!!! But I was ok with that, well once we got moving! So the race started it was a little weird at first b/c we were all a big clump for a while, then it began to break apart. I constantly ended up by myself in between groups of people, but that was fine, I used that time to take everything in, I thought of what I we have been through over the past 5 months, I prayed and sort of made peace with the fact that I could only run as hard as I could and that I would be happy with whatever happened because I was reaching my goal, no matter what the time was. The first few miles I kept trying to find people to catch up to. It went well, but since I brought my own water (which I will always do--I passed quite a few people at water stations and was able to stay ahead of them) I could never find people to constantly run with. Well I hit 3 mi at 26:33-fastest for me since HS! I continued trying to catch people until I found my "crew" there was a woman about my age (Leah) and two older women (I did not get their names but they were BEASTS--talk about consistent paces and great at pushing you!) Leah and I ran with the two women for most about 6 miles--They were so cute! One had a Garmin-so she continually would yell out our pace, where we were mile wise, ect. Then we lost our two ladies, they stopped at a water station and stretched so we continued going. I ended up having GREAT conversation with Leah and BOY did she push me! We talked about EVERYTHING once we got to mile 10 she was talking about how it was becoming a mental thing for her b/c she was getting tired, I told her that in my head I kept thinking "I can do ALL things through Christ Jesus Who Strenghens ME"--cannot think of exact verse-- She asked if I was a Christian, I said yes, and she told me she was too, and that she could tell from talking to me that I was! So we spent the rest of the race talking about GOD--it was GREAT!!! We kept repeating the verse too! Well, I definitely feel like miles 10-13.1 Challenged me! There were NO mile markers (but they were all over the course at the first 10 miles) so it was mentally tough not really knowing where you were. So we continued to push eachother. I knew where our time was, and told her that we should be at the end so we kicked it it. I sort of ran really hard at the end (and passed people as I was heading in towards the finish--I hope that is ok to do) then all of a sudden my last few strides it hit me, I just started to cry, I saw my sister, DH, and son and lost it! I had such a great feeling of accomplishment!!! It was truly a WONDERFUL race! I LOVED every minute of it! So like I said my time was 2:00:05- I was the 40th woman-I don't know total women, I just know there was around 300-350 people. I spent the rest of the day hobbling around, and am terrible sore today. I play on doing some Polly Yoga later to help warm things up! So that is my FIRST Half Marathon RR!!!!